At Kauri Park we believe we have only one client – Mother Nature.

She writes our briefs.

Her projects are our priorities.

We believe in the strength and power of nature.

Every day we are dedicated to bringing nature’s power to life, creating planet-changing vitality from the ground up.

We are in a race against time for the restoration of Earth. Our plants - and everyone at Kauri Park - are on a mission from Mother Nature herself.

Think like a plant.

Plants are so clever. They know what to do to thrive and survive. They make the most of the resources they have, they constantly adapt and they work with what’s around them.

You know that old question - was it nature or nurture? How ridiculous. Of course it’s always both. Nature needs nurturing and nurture needs naturing.

You know what, we could all do well to just ‘think like a plant’. We remind ourselves of that everyday around here.

We are environmentalists, no doubt.

But while others tie themselves to trees we just keep on planting them.

We act with vision, humility and respect. We’re experts at what we do with decades of hard-won experience but we keep our heads down and do our jobs and treat the people and the world around us with respect, knowing we are just doing our part in a much greater mission.

Speak for the trees.

Act for the planet.

Our mission is to help New Zealand become an ecology economy.

Protection of our planet is the key to providing prosperity for all. We want to show the world how it can be done.

New Zealanders have never backed away from a challenge that has stumped the world.

This idea - that ecology can and should lead the economy - is ours to prove. And there’s no time to lose.


New Zealand runs on water.

There’s our mighty rivers, our beautiful lakes, our expansive harbours, our alpine streams, estuaries and wetlands. Our water supply - and its quality - is one of our country’s most valuable assets. Water is at the heart of Earth’s ecosystems. We are on a mission to restore New Zealand’s waterways through the country’s biggest planting project.